Anyhow, as it turned out, I reserved last Saturday to tackle my biggest culinary task - making a fruit pie from scratch. I had four medium peaches and a medium mango for the fruit part, and a recipe from the Good Home Cookbook for the pastry.
It was time-consuming, making the pastry, but not as difficult as I had feared. The problem with American recipes is that some of the ingredients are just not available as readily in the UK - for instance, shortening. I used margarine instead, and I dont know if it affected the pastry, and how, or even how much.
I'm glad to report that the pie was also was not the big disaster as I'd expected it to be, although it could have done with more finesse and adherence to the recipe on my part. In other words, I goofed up. But not big-time. For instance, since it was a double-crust pie, I was supposed to trim the dough even with the rim of the pan - but I folded it under, which is apparently done only for a single-crust pie. I also forgot the almond essence. And the quick-cooking tapioca with the filling, which was probably to help set the filling and stop it being runny. I should have glazed the top with milk (oops) and sprinkled brown sugar on top (oops once again), too. Oh well.
But the end result looked quite nice, and tasted very nice too, according to friends and family. Which is very encouraging, since I think I would like to give this pie-making exercise another go, with different fruit.
Not bad for a first attempt, right?
And that's how it looked when it was sliced...
When I sliced it, though, it didnt cut very well at all - possibly because I turned the bottom crust under the rim before baking, as I said earlier. The pastry was too flaky to cut neatly, and the juicy runny fruit filling didnt make it any easier. I know the first slice is usually termed 'chef's perk' (or something to that effect) because of the possibility of its not looking presentable, but I'm sure the entire pie shouldnt fall into that category!
One thing has always puzzled me and still does - how does one remove a baked and cooled pie from the dish whole, without ruining it? It would be so elegant to present a pie on a fancy plate and then cut it, rather than serve from the baking dish itself.
If anybody knows the technique of removing a pie (or flan or tart or whatever) from the dish without causing damage, PLEASE let me know! My next pie will be dedicated to that person :)
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Wow, I never made a pie from scratch. Yours look delicious.
Thanks, Indira :)
That looks delicious and very professional!
mango in pie? that is a brillant idea! looks wonderful!
Thanks, Nupur & Tanvi :)
Hi Shammi,
Been following your blog for a while now - thank you for providing me with such delightful afternoon reading.I love pies(well, actually, being a true foodie, there's no food that I don't love), but I haven't made many at home.I'm more keen on baking cakes. I did however once buy a loose-bottomed pie-tin, which might be the answer to your question. The pie just pops out effortlessly. I found it in Tesco - I'm sure they are available everywhere.
Dear Foodietwoshoes, if I find such a pie pan in Tesco, and it works out, you can BET my next pie will be dedicated to you! :) Thanks for all the nice comments, too.
Hi. 'Hope you could help me, 'just couldn't find a recipe for peach and mango pie. I was led to your blog and I hope you could help me. My wedding anniversary is coming up (17 Sept) and would like to bake this pie for our anniversary dinner. 'Will appreciate it very much. My e-mail address is
Thanks in advance,
Check out this bake in pie lifter
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