Cassava was not something we ever cooked at home, so when I bought a fat, foot-long length of the tuber on impulse recently, I was at a slight loss about what to do with it. However, I decided to try baking it in the oven, treating it pretty much as I would a potato. Well, not exactly the same, obviously, as the cassava skin had to be peeled.
To my surprise it was easy enough to peel, but cutting it into chunks was a different matter. The tuber is VERY hard (if you find it at all spongy or soft, throw it away!) and I came close to disaster a couple of times when my knife slipped. (Ma, if you're reading this, dont worry, my fingers are safe and I still have all 10.) I also made sure to take out the stringy bit from the middle.
Anyway, once the cassava was cut into chunks, I put them in a saucepan with plenty of water and let it boil until the pieces were parboiled. Then they went into the oven (ofc with seasoning!) and about 20 minutes later, they were done. Yummy, they were almost as good as those I'd eaten in Dar. I say almost, because memories of good things (and good times) are sometimes stronger than reality.
One warning, though... you have to keep a sort of hawk eye on the cassava after 10 minutes in the oven - checking every so often to see that it's reasonably soft-crisp but not overdone. I baked some of the chips for too long and they not only looked and felt like chips of wood, they also tasted about the same. A trial for the teeth, certainly.
Recipe for: Oven-baked cassava
4 cups cassava - peeled, cut into chunks and parboiled
3-4 tbsp oil (I used Lite Sunflower Oil spray)
Salt, pepper/red chili powder to taste
1. Toss the parboiled chunks of cassava with the oil and spread on a baking tray.
2. Bake in the oven at 180C for about 20 minutes (or till pale golden brown), turning over the chunks after 10 minutes for even baking. Check the cassava often to ensure it doesnt get dried out.
3. Serve hot, sprinkled with salt, red chili powder and any herbs/spices of preference.
Shammi,is it similar to tapioca?I think it belongs to the same root family..we call it "karapendalam" and make chips with it.Kerala is pretty famous for these chips and I think its called 'Kappa'..not sure thoug.
I am fond tapioca chips..:)
Yup, Sailu, cassava is also known as manioc root or tapioca. I love tapioca chips too! :)
hey shammi,
that tuber that looks interesting. How is it texture wise. Is it gooey or slimy. Ive never been able to have aravi and I tried a vegetable here that was the mother load in terms of that stuff.
Hi Bilbo, Cassava is neither gooey nor slimy - it's got a firm texture when cooked... even when it's boiled, it's not gooey. No slime attacks from THIS tuber! :D
hey shammi,
thanks for clearing up that one. I am gonna keep my eyes peeled for it now. Take care
it's called 'yuca' all over latin america (usually spelled 'yucca' in north america) and is also great fried, though it has to be parboiled first.
try it with mojo- a sauce made with lots of garlic, salt, lots of lime juice or sour orange juice, a little olive oil, a little cumin/hot pepper/oregano... very good.
Dont you have to completely peel the white skin too?Otherwise wont it be bitter?
How about baking the cassava directly without boiling it in water? I put a thin layer of olive oil on slices of cassava and bake them on my halogen oven. 200 deg C and 20 minutes later they are divine to eat. They have a texture like a biscuit.I am worried about slow cyanide poisoning though..
18 years in dar,30 in india,now in calgary.
Mohogo is used and produced a lot in kerala.
They even make gravy-sabji from it.
They believe it makes growing children strong but I don't know the how and why.
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