I dont make pulikachal very often because there's always the impression at the back of my mind that it takes too long to make, and now that I'm working full-time, there doesnt seem to be enough free time to do all the things I want, let alone spend lots of time on just cooking. But the impression is not quite right, because once the masala has been made for it, pulikachal kind of cooks itself. It doesnt need looking after every single minute.
The best pulikachal I've ever had was when I was an apprentice sub-editor at the Indian Express, my very first job. My boss (and mentor) there was a wonderful old gentleman called C P Seshadri, fondly and universally known as "Master". He was a very knowledgeable person, a living bit of history - a contemporary of Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru and all the other stalwarts of the Indian freedom movement... and what is more, he was personally acquainted with them.
Anyhow, long story short, Master was very affectionate and kindly, more grandfatherly to me than my own grandpa! When he discovered that I didnt bother to bring lunch from home but sometimes ate junk food at the little stalls outside the office gates, he insisted on me sharing the hot lunch that was delivered to him from his home, waving aside my embarrassed protestations. (But the food... oh the food! - embarrassment quickly took a back seat!)
His wife (Mrs Master to me) was a very dignified, stern looking lady - but in reality very kind. Not to mention, a SUPERB cook. Everything she made was wonderful, but her tamarind rice was out-of-this-world good. Iyengars are traditionally considered to make the best pulikachal and I have to say that Mrs Master was living proof of that. I wish I'd been interested enough in cooking then to ask her for the recipe.
That said, though, I've evolved a pretty good recipe for pulikachal, based - but of course - on my mother's. My version has coconut in it (and yes, I do realise that for someone who doesnt like coconut in a lot of things, I seem to be using the stuff rather a lot!).
Anyway, while trawling through the Net a couple of years back, I came across a comment in some food-chat board that said the writer added toasted grated coconut to the masala for pulikachal. After a lot of thought - and a great deal of hesitation - I decided to follow that tip. And what a surprise to find that the coconut adds texture but doesnt register on the palate... and you cant smell it either. JUST the ticket.
No more babbling for now - here's my recipe!
Recipe for: Pulikachal (spicy sauce/chutney for making tamarind rice)
1 tbsp tamarind paste (Tamicon) dissolved in 6 cups warm water
1 lemon-sized ball of tamarind, soaked and pulped to make 6 cups of tamarind water
For the masala:
1 tsp oil
2 tbsp coriander seeds
1/2 tbsp chana dal
1/2 tbsp mustard seeds
1/2 tbsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp urad dal
1 tbsp black peppercorns
1 tbsp peanuts
1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds
8 dried red chillies
10-15 curry leaves
1/4 packed cup grated coconut

For the tempering:
3 tsp oil
2 tsp mustard seeds
2 dried red chillies, broken in half
1 tsp urad dal
2 tsp chana dal
4 tsp roasted peanuts
2 tsp sesame seeds
5-6 curry leaves
1. Roast all the masala ingredients (except the coconut) in one tsp of oil till the seeds pop and the dals become a lovely golden brown. Set aside to cool.
2. Roast the grated coconut separately, turning it over frequently, till it turns golden brown. Let it cool as well.

3. In a coffee grinder or spice grinder, grind the roasted masala ingredients and the coconut to as smooth a paste as possible. This might be easier done a little at a time, because the resulting paste is very thick. Dissolve the paste in a cupful of water and set aside.
4. In a wide but deep vessel, heat 3 tsp oil. Add a pinch of asafoetida (optional), then all the tempering ingredients and cover till the seeds finish popping.
5. Pour in the 6 cups of tamarind water and stir. Let the water come to a rolling boil, then stir in the ground masala paste, mixing till well incorporated.
6. Leave the heat on high and cook the mixture till it reduces to a third and starts thickening. Add salt to taste now. (The reduction could easily take 20 minutes or more, depending on the depth and width of the pan. Basically, the deeper the pan, the longer the time).
7. When the pulikachal is thick (the consistency of honey, more or less), turn the heat off. It will become thicker still as it cools.
Pulikachal can be used to make tamarind rice - about a tbsp mixed with a cupful of cooked rice, but you can add more or less depending on taste. This recipe makes quite spicy pulikachal.
shyam,you got me on this...making it tomorrow..i love pulihora..:)tamarind rice is called as pulihora in andhra..love it..come festivals ..its pulihora time..:)
I love it too! I like it even more when I dont have to make it myself :) Hope you enjoy the recipe, Sailu!
Delicious! I love to eat pulikachal with curd rice and dosa too. My mom makes it this way but coconut in it is new to me. But I have seen a lot of recipes use only a powder of pepper, chilies and fenugreek.
Try it as a sandwich filler, Mika - butter on one slice and pulikachal on the other... yum! Different but very yum! :)
mmm, haven;t try this in malaysia before
ooh, thanks for the recipe!!! My fiance is Tamilian and his mom sent a box of pulikachal for him...which I promptly confiscated and devoured. Can't wait to try this myself :)
Hope you like the recipe, Nupur :)
Hi Courtney - thanks for calling this post "chatty" - it's a kind description! :) I like using tamarind concentrate... saves on a lot of time!
Shammi, I loved the foreward narration. I drolled on reading the Iyengar puliyodharai. Don't know if you had been to Chidambaram Natarajar temple. There is this Lakshmi sannidhi where Puliyodharai, thayir saadham, sakkarai pongal is served - all on Lotus leaves. Typical Iyengar taste (as you might have known, the temple has got both Saivaite and Vaishanavite shrines).
And ofcourse I *did* wonder on the coconut part! You were bang right on the comment - for a person who dislikes coconut so much, I am seeing a lot of them on your receipes these days ;-) My mom has a mixutre of dhania-sesame powder to be sprinkled on the rice at the end.
Hi Ravi, I dont think I've been to the Chidambaram Natarajar temple... but maybe I'll take my appetite on a religious tour when I go to India in December! ;)
Hi Shyam,
Being the Iyengar that I am...was quite pleased to note your praise of iyengar puliyogarai (or puliyodharai) or pulivohare...or the million names it has!! And of course, slightly dismayed that I haven't ever made the authentic kaalchal for the puliyogare ever myself :(
My mother and grandmother taught me a shortcut way of making it while I was moving to the US:
Cook the rice with salt and turmeric...and spread it out in a platter so that the grains dont clump up. mix readymade tamarind paste (like Dabur Homemade imli, or others) with rasam or sambar powder and use it just so, or cook a little bit as desired...mix the tempering and the tamarind spice paste with some oil into the rice...
We use chopped copra (dried coconut), peanuts and puttani/dalia/kadale (the one indira calls puppula) in the seasoning along with the usual stuff you mention.
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